How to arrive on BezViz:
1. Foreign citizens can come to Belarus without opening visas to the following territory:
-City of Brest and Brest district;
- Pruzhany district;
- Kamenets district;
- Zhabinka district;
Foreign citizens can cross the state border of the Republic of Belarus with the Republic of Poland
at the following checkpoints:
- at the railway checkpoints of Brest (Terespol - checkpoint of the railway station "Brest-Central");
- at the road checkpoints Brest (Terespol), Domachevo (Slovatichi), Peshchatka (Polovtsi);
- at the pedestrian checkpoint Pererov (Białowieza);
- at the airport Brest.
2. The ground for a visit without a visa is a document of a standard form issued by a Belarusian travel company to a foreign citizen.
3. To obtain this document, a tourist needs:
-to apply to a travel company that has the right to issue such documents;
- to book a selected tour or selected types of services.
4. Before departure it is necessary to issue an insurance policy for staying in the Republic of Belarus.
5. It is possible to visit the territory of the Republic of Belarus for a period of 1 to 10 days.
6. Documents that a tourist must have with him when crossing the state border:
- a valid document for traveling abroad (passport);
- document of a standard form granting the right to visit (it is issued by the travel company and sent to the e-mail of the tourist);
- medical insurance;
- in case of travel by own means of transport (car, motorbike) international insurance of transport means, so-called Green card.
7. When entering the Republic of Belarus, foreigners are required to dispose of funds in an amount equivalent to no less than 2 base values established in the Republic of Belarus for each day of stay (1 base value = 24 rubles 50 kopecks).
The procedure of crossing the State border:
When crossing the border of the Republic of Belarus, regardless of the way of crossing, it is necessary to pass through border and customs control. Foreign citizens and stateless persons (hereinafter – foreigners) can cross the State border of the Republic of Belarus on the basis of the following documents:
- a valid document for traveling abroad (passport);
- document of a standard form granting the right to visit (it is issued by the travel company and sent to the e-mail of the tourist);
- medical insurance;
- in case of travel by own means of transport (car, motorbike) international insurance of transport means, so-called Green card.
- a migration card is filled in at the border. (Note: if the migration card is lost, a penalty is imposed).
Actions prohibited on the territory between the State border and the border crossing point:
- parking of vehicles;
- embussing and debussing of passengers;
- loading and unloading operations;
- the presence of individuals not related to the crossing of the State border of the Republic of Belarus.
For violations of these requirements citizens are subject to administrative liability under Art. 23.31 of the Administrative Violations Code of RB (warning with deportation or without deportation or imposing a fine of up to 50 base values).
Actions prohibited at checkpoints:
In checkpoints it is prohibited:
- to conduct a photo-and a video shooting;
- to conduct conversations on mobile means of communication;
- to leave money in documents to be checked;
- to commit acts aimed at inciting the staff of state control bodies to violate the established procedure for the implementation of border and other types of control, including offering and (or) transferring any material values to them, offering and (or) promising property benefits.
The order of stay of foreign citizens in the Republic of Belarus:
A foreign citizen or a stateless person who has arrived in the Republic of Belarus is obliged to register with the registration authority at the place of the actual stay within 5 days, except Sundays and public holidays.
Registration authorities in the Republic of Belarus are:
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
- body of internal affairs;
- hotel;
- sanatorium and health-improving organization;
- subject of agroecotourism.
For violations of these requirements citizens are subject to administrative liability under p. 1 Art. 23.55 of the Administrative Violations Code of RB (warning or imposing a fine of up to 50 base values or deportation).
Rules for completing the declaration when crossing the State border of the Republic of Belarus:
When crossing the border it is necessary to fill in the declaration and give it to the customs officer,
- transport facilities; *
- goods valued at more than 1500 EUR or weighing more than 50 kilograms;
- cash and/or traveler's checks with a total amount of more than the equivalent of $10,000;
- alcoholic products (more than 3 liters) or tobacco products (more than 200 pieces);
- monetary instruments: bills of exchange, checks (bank checks), securities in documentary form;
- weapons and ammunition (including separate parts), gas cartridges, stun guns, pepper spray, electric shocker, white weapons, pneumatic weapons, etc.
- drugs, narcotics, strong substances and their precursors;
- cultural values, printed publications, books, newspapers, photos;
- animals;
- goods imported more often than 1 time in 3 calendar days.
BellToll fare collection system:
Travel on toll roads included in the BellTоll system must be paid by drivers who operate the following types of vehicles:
-Mechanical vehicles with a technically permissible gross weight of more than 3.5 tons;
-Mechanical vehicles with a technically permissible gross weight of not more than 3.5 tons registered outside the Customs Union.
Drivers of vehicles with a technically permissible gross weight of not more than 3.5 tons registered in the countries of the Customs Union are free from fare.
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